If you have a system with two or more displays/monitors and are using a Linux XFce desktop environment then there are at least three methods for dual monitor setup in Xfce: Use the built-in Xfce Settings -> Display configuration utility.…
X11 monitor usb storage
I am using Gentoo with XFce desktop environment. I would like to get notified each time a new USB storage is attached/removed. I am sure that there exists applets/plugins that do that but I would like it to keep it…
X11 monitor wifi connection
If you are working on laptop then maybe you are using the wireless device for network communication. If you are using wireless device for network communication then maybe you are using the net-wireless/wpa_supplicant to set up your preferred network connection.…
X11 switch multi monitors
I have a laptop (LVDS display) and an external monitor (VGA-0 display). When I am working with many windows and I really need to see them in parallel (and the laptop's screen width is too small for that) I am…