There are hundred websites that provides a tool to check your website rank. What the heck? What are my chances to get the first position, will you ask? Then I will ask this: for what keyword? Because, you see, if…
Suspend and hibernate Linux remotely
I know how to wake up my computer remotely via WOL magic packet. But how about to suspend or hibernate it? Well, this has something to do with the power management, doesn't it? So it would be sensible to think…
MySQL SSH connection

OK, so you are a programmer and you have a website/database hosted on a host company/cloud. You want to access your MySQL database remotely but your host company says that they cannot open the 3306 port (MySQL). My question to…
Android offline dictionary download available

The precompiled version of Android offline dictionary download link has been just shared. You can download it from my DropBox public folder. lexicon.apk - the precompiled application for Android devices - the training data for OCR module (English language);…
Multimea numerelor naturale
Metode de rezolvare a problemelor de aritmetica Metoda figurativa : este o metoda de rezolvare a problemelor de aritmetica ce consta in reprezentarea printr-un desen a marimilor necunoscutea si fixarea in acest desen a relatiilor dintre elea si marimile date…
Fotonens rörelsemängd
Vi såg att en fotons bär energi som berör på ljus frekvensen (eller våglängden) som enligt Einstein-Plank relation är: (E1) Det visades att en fotonen bär med sig också rörelsemängden så att när en elektron absorberar en foton den absorbera…
Fotoelektrisk effekt
Är ljuset våg eller partikel? Enligt Newton var ljuset en partikel men Thomas Young dubbelspalt försök visade att ljuset beter sig som en våg men också som en partikel. Ljuset är således både och våg och partikel. Den fotoelektriska effekt…
Table of English tenses
I don't know about you but I had always problems with tenses of English verbs, maybe because I've learned English by myself rather than in school. Anyway, English grammar is not impossible to learn if you find a pattern that…
How to build a 65W solar panel system with only $80
For some time I was interested in testing methods of building a cheap solar panel using cheap solar cells and other things that you might find on the junkyard, so I've set up an experiment with the aim to build…
Calculul aproximativ al radacinii patrate
Aceasta metoda descrie calculul aproximativ a radacinii patrate. Dorim sa aproximam valoarea . Lasand la o parte toate celelalte metode cunoscute de extragere a radacinii patrate dintr-un numar, voi incerca sa va prezint o metoda simpla si eficienta. Metoda se…