Metode de rezolvare a problemelor de aritmetica Metoda figurativa : este o metoda de rezolvare a problemelor de aritmetica ce consta in reprezentarea printr-un desen a marimilor necunoscutea si fixarea in acest desen a relatiilor dintre elea si marimile date…
Calculul aproximativ al radacinii patrate
Aceasta metoda descrie calculul aproximativ a radacinii patrate. Dorim sa aproximam valoarea . Lasand la o parte toate celelalte metode cunoscute de extragere a radacinii patrate dintr-un numar, voi incerca sa va prezint o metoda simpla si eficienta. Metoda se…
Faster Way to Multiply any Number with Numbers from 11-20
Is there a faster way to multiply by 11? What about 14? Let's take the following example: 1412 x 14 = 19768 The technique helps you finding digits from left to right as following: take the first digits of 1412…
Find the square of a number (nearing to 100) in head
How much is 5 ² ? How about 12 ² ? Well, if you have already finished the gymnasium then maybe you are already used to find the square for these numbers. But how about 104 ² ? I found…
Fast multiplication n-digits (on certain situations)
I've found a solution for fast multiplication n digits with respect to the following conditions: have the same number of digits the first digit of both numbers are equal the sum of last digit of both numbers is 10 Example…
Fast multiplication by 11
One of my favourite techniques is that which allows us to fast multiplication by 11. To get your attention I will say that I can multiply in my head the following numbers: 748346274 x 11 = 8231809014 The technique is…
Fast multiplication 3 digits
Are you scared when comes to multiply a product like 123 x 321 in your head? Well, that's not so hard as it seems to be! Fast multiplication 3 digit For this we can use a technique which reduce the…
Fast multiplication 2 digits
How do you calculate how much is 93 x 97 in your head? Sounds that impossible? There are many quick algorithms depending on the nature of the numbers you want to multiply. In some situations fits better one algorithm, in…
Algebra clasa a VIII-a
Tabla de materii Numere reale Reprezentarea numerelor reale. Modulul unui numar real. Intervale de numere reale Operatii cu numere reale; Calcule cu numere reale reprezentate prin litere; formule de calcul prescurtat Descompuneri in factori (factor comun, grupare de termeni, formule…
Algebra clasa a VII-a
Tabla de materii Multimea numerelor rationale multiea numerelor rationale Q; opusul unui numar rational operatii cu numere rationale, proprietati compararea si ordonarea numerelor rationale ecuatia de forma ax+b=0, cu a din Q* si b din Q probleme care se rezolva…