When you work with several disks is easy to get confused and to delete a partition that you don't really want. First advice: DO NOT PANIC! In fact STOP doing anything! Try to figure out what went wrong, what you…
Windows convert dynamic to basic disk
I have a Win2K3 VM hosted by a KVM hypervisor. In the Linux host I have 2 Linux partitions type ID=83 (eg: /dev/sda5 and /dev/sdb5) that I've allocated to the Win2K3 VM as virtual disks. The Windows guest took care…
Resize KVM virtual disk
It's happening that I have a Win2K3 kvm VM hosted on a Linux host. On Linux I have installed two disks and on each of these disks I've created many partitions. Two of these partitions serve like "physical disks" to…
Oops, I did it again!
Those who are playing with fire sometimes they just get burned. I was trying to create a backup for one of my HDD partition, some kind of partition-to-partition backup. After playing a while with dd and experimenting different CLI options…
Move KVM guest from lvm to an external USB disk/image file
I have a KVM Windows Vista guest whose virtual disk is a volume on a physical disk I have on my server (eg: /dev/VG/lvm_guest-name). The volume is about 80GB, but the space that is really used is about 30GB. My…