While testing a Symfony web application on the production environment (--env=prod) I encountered an odd situation which basically redirected me to the authentication route (/login) after each request. Here is how it goes: you pass the security authentication login which…
Bring back the root
Bring back the root is not the title of a movie, it is the name of an usual issue that we encounter while working on Linux (hopefully not so often). For those who don't share the passion for Linux the…
Connect automatically your FTP server. No login credentials
I have a dozen of FTP accounts (clouds, remote servers, etc) and I'm using them quite often nowadays. If you are a computer geek (like me ð³ ) then you will mostly work at your tty console so no graphical…
SLIM failed to execute login command
After installing Xfce4 and SLiM login manager I have noticed that by just entering the user name and password would not sufficient to login to desktop because I get error message "SLiM failed to execute login command" all the time.…
Xfce auto login
Usually Linux provides a graphical login and that works via a login manager (such as slim,xdm,gdm,kdm,etc). Also there exists an alternative that is used for console login: agetty. To enable auto login in Linux (this is an independent of display…