If you are using a laptop (like me) then you know that is important to be notified (eg. a message) whenever your AC is plugged/unplugged or when your battery has less than 30% power (or whatever % triggers you). I…
X11 volume control
In Ubuntu I had a volume control applet that allows me to change the volume or to toggle the volume (mute/unmute). There are many plugins/applets capable of doing this (on almost any Linux DM) but if you are like me…
X11 weather Linux
I don't know why but everyday I check the weather report. Maybe it became a habit, I don't know. But I know that I need something capable to give me a short weather forecast report. Well, if you are using…
X11 free memory info
On any Linux desktop someone has been created a widget/plug-in kind of application which will display in real time all the system resources, such as CPU, disk and free memory info (memory usage), etc. They are not only very useful…
X11 keyboard layout switch
If you are looking for a versatile keyboard layout application (in Xfce) then you should take a look at xfce-extra/xfce4-xkb-plugin. If you only need a dual (also multiple layout are possible) keyboard layout switch which will work on almost any…
Xfce print-screen command
So you want a similar Print Screen command in your Xfce desktop. This is already done by xfce-extra/xfce4-screenshooter. Just install it then create a keyboard shortcut that is pointing to your /usr/bin/xfce4-screenshooter and you got yourself a Print Screen shortcut.…