To speed up the system init at boot-time, just edit your/etc/conf.d/rc and set the RC_PARALLEL_STARTUP variable to yes: RC_PARALLEL_STARTUP="yes" Also speed up boot with parallel init it's just a damn line!
Move KVM guest from lvm to an external USB disk/image file
I have a KVM Windows Vista guest whose virtual disk is a volume on a physical disk I have on my server (eg: /dev/VG/lvm_guest-name). The volume is about 80GB, but the space that is really used is about 30GB. My…
X11 monitor usb storage
I am using Gentoo with XFce desktop environment. I would like to get notified each time a new USB storage is attached/removed. I am sure that there exists applets/plugins that do that but I would like it to keep it…
X11 monitor wifi connection
If you are working on laptop then maybe you are using the wireless device for network communication. If you are using wireless device for network communication then maybe you are using the net-wireless/wpa_supplicant to set up your preferred network connection.…
X11 check email
I don't like to have Thunderbird open all the time just to be able to check email every 5 minutes. Also, to open/close my email client every 5 minutes is not a solution too. I found another simple solution: install…
X11 battery status
If you are using a laptop (like me) then you know that is important to be notified (eg. a message) whenever your AC is plugged/unplugged or when your battery has less than 30% power (or whatever % triggers you). I…
Start CUPS only when you need it
Another thing that is a "must-to-have" on any desktop computer is the printing system. In Linux we have CUPS. But what if you print just one time per week (I mean not so often), why should you keep running CUPS…
X11 switch multi monitors
I have a laptop (LVDS display) and an external monitor (VGA-0 display). When I am working with many windows and I really need to see them in parallel (and the laptop's screen width is too small for that) I am…
X11 print daemon
I am not using my printer everyday, so why should I keep the CUPS print daemon started all the time? I think a better way is to start it only when you need it (preferable before you have to print,…
X11 volume control
In Ubuntu I had a volume control applet that allows me to change the volume or to toggle the volume (mute/unmute). There are many plugins/applets capable of doing this (on almost any Linux DM) but if you are like me…