Someone asked me if a YouTube clip can be saved locally (eg. as MP3 file). Being a Linux enthusiast I already knew that "on Linux one can do anything" so I gave it a try. On Linux make sure you…
Convert YouYube to MP3

Someone asked me if a YouTube clip can be saved locally (eg. as MP3 file). Being a Linux enthusiast I already knew that "on Linux one can do anything" so I gave it a try. On Linux make sure you…
Editing files over www? Yes, that's right. In fact Sir Tim Berners Lee - the WorldWideWeb's inventor - had the vision of a read/write World Wide Web (www) not read-only as we know it today. The idea behind the WWW…
In Unix-based computer operating systems, init (i.e. initialization) is the first process started during booting of the computer system. It is just a daemon that is starting just after the kernel and which reads the /etc/inittab file in order to…
To continue my series of "Oops i did it again" I would like to explain few methods that allows you to undelete files on Linux. One of the fastest and easiest method I found so far is with the help…
If you get the error below while you are trying to launch an application under Wine (or even while you just work on Linux without knowing what is or using the Wine): No protocol specified Application tried to create a…
If it happens to get the following error message while you are compiling some program from source code: checking for perl... /usr/bin/perl checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool then you should know the real…
This article provides a brief insight of what is and what to use as Remote Desktop on Linux. I'm not trying to describe the concept itself because nowadays everyone should already be familiar with it. I would rather try to…
I know how to wake up my computer remotely via WOL magic packet. But how about to suspend or hibernate it? Well, this has something to do with the power management, doesn't it? So it would be sensible to think…
OK, so you are a programmer and you have a website/database hosted on a host company/cloud. You want to access your MySQL database remotely but your host company says that they cannot open the 3306 port (MySQL). My question to…
eBay is great except that they don't want to show you how much you have spent over a period of time. Maybe this is a strategic feature, I don't know and I don't care. I just need it! Lately I've…