I run several headless systems and sometimes I need to know the disk usage of a particular directory. We have several choices, from the ls command to the ncurses ncdu utility.
For what I need 'ls' does not provide support out of the box. The ncdu looks more alike but I don't need ncurses dependencies or other tools added to my toolbox. I need a 10 line bash script, eventually written by myself ð (let's reinvent the wheel, don't we?)
My solution
Create a bash script called "du1" (or whatever you like). So this is how you get disk usage in bash:
#!/bin/bash ##################################################################### # Script for displaying disk usage # # Syntax: du1 FOLDER # where FOLDER is the folder to show # and FILTER is a float {0..100} that allows you to filter # only those folders which have a usage >= FILTER % # # Author : Eugen Mihailescu # Last change : 21.Feb.2013 # E-mail : eugenmihailescux at gmail dot com # # Tested on : Linux 3.6.10-gentoo-2.1 x86_64 GenuineIntel ##################################################################### PARENT_DIR=$1 if [ -z $PARENT_DIR ];then PARENT_DIR=~/ fi COLS=$((24+${#PARENT_DIR})) if [ -n "$2" ];then FILTER_SIZE=$2 else FILTER_SIZE=0 fi # print what will be shown s="Show the usage of $PARENT_DIR" result=`expr $FILTER_SIZE \> 0` if [ "$result" -eq "1" ]; then s="$s, for subfolders usage >= $FILTER_SIZE%" fi echo $s # get the total size of the parent directory TOTAL=$(du -sB1 $PARENT_DIR 2>/dev/null|cut -f1) # print each subfolder disk usage find $PARENT_DIR -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0|du -sB1 --files0-from=- 2>/dev/null|sort -gr|awk -v TOTAL=$TOTAL -v fSIZE=$FILTER_SIZE '{bsize=$1;perc=100*bsize/TOTAL;if (perc>=fSIZE){size=bsize; unit="B"; if (size>=1024){size=size/1024;unit="KB";} if (size>=1024){size=size/1024; unit="MB";} if (size>=1024){size=size/1024;unit="GB";} printf("%8.2f %-2s [%-4.1f%%]\t%s\n",size,unit,perc,$2)}}' # print a subtotal line separator printf "%${COLS}s\n" |tr " " "-" # print the total disk usage echo $TOTAL $PARENT_DIR|awk -v TOTAL=$TOTAL '{bsize=$1;size=bsize; unit="B"; if (size>=1024){size=size/1024;unit="KB";} if (size>=1024){size=size/1024; unit="MB";} if (size>=1024){size=size/1024;unit="GB";} printf("%8.2f %-2s [%-4.1f%%]\t%s\n",size,unit,100*bsize/TOTAL,$2)}'
The result
rpi-gentoo ~ # du1 / 0.1 Show usage of /, for subfolders usage >= 0.1% 1.12 GB [94.7%] /usr 34.38 MB [2.8 %] /opt 9.81 MB [0.8 %] /var 9.07 MB [0.7 %] /lib 6.34 MB [0.5 %] /bin 2.88 MB [0.2 %] /sbin ------------------------- 1.19 GB [100.0%]
That's why I think Linux can be fun!
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Eugen Mihailescu
Founder/programmer/one-man-show at Cubique Software
Always looking to learn more about *nix world, about the fundamental concepts of math, physics, electronics. I am also passionate about programming, database and systems administration. 16+ yrs experience in software development, designing enterprise systems, IT support and troubleshooting.
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